Sweet Varieties

Ashmeads Kernel
Type – Sweet
Origin – Gloucestershire
Class – Dessert/Cider

Jez H –
Planted as MM106, bare-root maiden in 2009 from Ashridge. I bought this with prior experience of its flavour a both a dessert and cider apple. Slightly russeted, it has a flavour profile quite unlike most (only a carefully grown Egremont Russet beats this apple in my books).


Egremont Russet
Type – Mild Bittersweet
Origin – Sussex (1st recorded)
Class – Culinary/Dessert/Cider

JezH –
Harvests September – October. This one IS my favourite apple, although it must not be supermarket standard (which are generally like cardboard). Keeps well, has an aromatic juice. No experience of growing.


Lord Lambourne
Type – Sweet
Origin – Bedfordshire
Class – Dessert

JezH –
Harvests late September – October. Not a cider apple, but if it taste this good, it should make reasonable cider. An early(ish) variety which will help an early blend. No experience of growing.


Orleans Reinette
Type – Sweet
Origin – France
Class – Culinary/Dessert/Cider

JezH –
Harvests late September –October. Have used this variety a couple of times – A very high quality eating apple; it will add character to a cider. No experience of growing it.


Sweet Alford
Type – Sweet
Origin – Devon
Note – Many Sweet Alfords in cultivation are actually the variety ‘Le Bret’
Class – Cider

AndrewLea –
Harvests end October. High sugar, good bulk for fermentation. Tree – Strong annual cropper, tip-bearer and prone to scab.


Sweet Coppin
Type – Sweet
Origin – Devon
Class - Cider

AndrewLea –
Harvests end October. Good all round sweet. Tree – Strong large tree. Mildew and scab susceptible and very biennial.

If you would like us to include your variety, or if you want to add your review/comments, please contact us through the group - images are always useful.


Ashmeads Kernel
Ashmeads Kernel
Egremont Russet Image - Fruitwise
Egremont Russet
Lord Lambourne Image - Fruitwise
Lord Lambourne
Orleans Reinette Image - Meticulum
Orleans Reinette
Sweet Alford Image - Marches Cyder
Sweet Alford
Sweet Coppin Image - Mark Shirley
Sweet Coppin