Food Safety - Guidelines

OK. Firstly a big fat disclaimer about the information contained below. These are guidelines only. What you produce for your own business will be dictated by what you do (or don't do) and the requirements of the Environmental Health Officer for your area.

Please don't blame us - we can only point you in the right direction.

Secondly, whilst it would be nice to have a 'ready to use' HACCP plan and supporting documents on the website the mere fact that the plan etc. should be about your own individual practices means that it would not be possible. EHO's can spot a standardised or stock document - and currently there is no single set of criteria accepted across the UK currently.

These guidelines are for cider and perry making and are based on several documents (including current UK Legislation). There is a lot of text but we think its worth reading and considering.

To start (and to act as a guide to cider making best practice), please review the document below.

We have also included a template for use as a base to form a HACCP. Please note that you should not attempt to pass this version as a final version as it needs to reflect your own business. Remember, your EHO can search the web for this too!

  1. Example HACCP plan (Opens as a Word 97-03 .doc)


Equipment - Sundries

Quick Links:

HMRC Notice 162

National Market Traders Federation

Food Standards Agency

Environmental Health


We are always after help and guidance in order to make the commercial side of cider making easier for those who want to start out.

If you have any experiences you wish to share with us, join the group and contact the administrator (or just post your experiences!)